Luxury pink

We LOVED completing this project for our customer! Vicky had some great ideas and it was great to work together and be creative to produce a really lovely end product.

Vicky chose and sent us some images she really liked, and wanted it PINK! It took a bit of work to adjust the colours to get them right, and we applied a ‘spot gloss’ to the gold areas on the panels to give a more luxurious feel and to create a feeling of texture and depth to the panels.

There was a bit of fine-tuning to get things right, but we really don’t mind – it has to be right for our customers and so amendments to finalise sizes and details is all part of the journey.

The panels looked great, and Vicky was really happy with the final result!

I’m so happy with my panels ... I just go into the bathroom to have another look! Thanks again for your patience.
— Vicky C, Bicester