Choosing the right image

Sometimes it can be a little daunting to choose the perfect image for your shower panels, it’s important to get it right as it’ll be in your home a long time.

Here are some of our tips to help you get it right, without panicking!

  • Go high quality

    No surprises here! The more pixels (dpi to those that know) the better the image quality, and the better it will look when enlarged. If you send us your picture we can check it for you if you’re unsure.

  • Make it memorable
    Get outside, go somewhere special, breath the air, take your time, remember it! Take as many photos as you can at different angles, in a different light, at different times of day if you can. The more you have, the more choice you have to select the perfect shot.

  • Landscape or portrait?

    Try to think about the dimensions of your space/shower. Is it wider than it is tall? Do you need to take a portrait or landscape picture to best fit the space. If you take a landscape shot for a portrait space you will loose a lot of your image in the process so think carefully about this one - you can’t put a square peg in a round hole!

  • Take your time

    It’s important you get this right, take your time, your image will be with you for a long time. But remember we are also here to help, we can:

    adjust the colours for you slightly to make the image perfect.
    straighten it up for you if the horizon is a bit wonky (don’t reject your photo if it’s otherwise great).
    edit the image to erase annoying small details you may not have seen when you took it - like a bird in the sky you might not want, or a lamp post for example.

    Talk to us, we’re here to help and guide you. Send us an email of your pictures and we can advise whether it will work with your space/dimensions, or advise how to re-take it to make it better.

    Get in touch if you need any help.