A tropical shower experience

Rather than plumping for the usual wall tile offerings, our client wanted a warm, calming underwater feeling for their new loft-conversion shower room.

With this Custom Design project we worked together to try a number of images to give the right balance of clear, warm water and tropical fish that looked right within the space (it’s amazing how some images look great in a search but the fish are either too big or too close, or too few, or too deadly… especially when used at this large scale).

Tropical fish shower panel installation

The resulting image and install looks amazing, even without having the final shower screen, fittings and sealing in place! The almost aquarium-like feel really suits the angled loft space walls and the warmth and colour of the image creates a striking and totally unexpected bathroom.

They’re in. We are so pleased with them.
Thank you for all your help and patience!
— Sarah T, East Sussex

Thanks Sarah, it’s been a lovely one to work on.

Tropical fish shower panels - complete